Winter Assembly, at Algonquin Outfitters, Dwight On.

Algonquin Outfitters, on the edge of Algonquin Park in Dwight Ontario, Canada, has a Winter Assembly weekend once a year in February.  
 One could not ask for a better weekend to enjoy our Canadian Winter Wonderland.  The weather was perfect (-5C), the snow conditions perfect (50cm), bright blue sky, lots of winter enthusiasts, a whole bunch of little people (kids), parents, visitors from afar.  It made for lots of fun.  Oh yes, I forgot to mention the activities:  dog sledding, snowshoeing, and racing with them on your feet, X-country skiing, coureur de bois canoe racing-on the ice and around obstacles, quinzees, ice sculpture, done by Sir Sanford Fleming students and absolutely outstanding, snow golf,( I still shot 126 for 6 holes), gear reps sharing their ideas, a wilderness animal tracking seminar (vicious skulls included), winter camping seminar, (a how to prepare, go, and enjoy Canada's beautiful outdoors done by David and Kathleen).  We always look forward to sharing our adventure trips with people who have the same curiosity. 
 We enjoy meeting people when we do our presentations.  After our talk on winter camping we went for a snowshoe hike out on the Oxtongue Lake just outside the Outfitters and met a gentleman from Denmark.  He was at our talk and stopped to say thank you.  How lucky I felt sharing his excitement about being in Canada and being up north experiencing some of our wilderness.  He and his father were over visiting his brother who is going to school at Guelph University.  We had a great visit and now we have a friend.  We are looking forward when he comes over to do wilderness canoeing in warmer weather.  I shared some stories about bears with him, but he said he would still like to come back.
            A great weekend was had by all.
Click on these thumbnails to see the full images.

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